Thursday, April 24, 2014

Easter Week 2014 in 3 Photos

Picture: Tony Gentile/Reuters

"Francis stressed that Easter is 'the basis of our faith and hope.' If Christ were not raised, he said, Christianity would lose its very meaning. The whole mission of the church, added Francis, would lose its impulse. <...> He appealed to the lord to help overcome the scourge of hunger, aggravated by conflicts and by immense wastefulness for which, he added, we are often responsible. <...> He also appealed for African victims of the Ebola virus, for kidnapping victims, and for migrants seeking a better life and religious freedom. <...> He called for an end to violence in Syria, Iraq, Central African Republic, Nigeria and South Sudan and urged negotiations and reconciliation in Venezuela and Ukraine, and between Israelis and Palestinians." by Sylvia Poggiolli, NPR.


There are parades all over the world to celebrate and remember Good Friday. In Spain and some other countries, people who are very sorry for their wrong doings (called 'Penitents') walk through the streets wearing long robes with hoods and carrying a big cross of wood. Some cultures have a procession of statues of saints before church services and others display models of tombs as the center piece to remind of Jesus' death. (from But in general, Good Friday represents the spirit of the Easter Holiday, as during this day most of the countries in the world let the workforce rest. Being in the middle of spring, Good Friday is the perfect day to go on a picnic, make a family trip, go to open-air events or, or... go horseback riding.

Picture: Geoffrey Swaine/REX

We are past the middle of spring, which means we are that much closer to summer, woo-hoo! And although for some of you this might mean the approach of exams or other deadlines, don't forget that it also means the imminence of accomplishments. Sure some of them come harder than others, but that only makes the rewards that much sweeter. So as the temperatures escalate, let us also escalate our personal lives by living them to our full potential and accomplishing our goals!

Stay Vibin

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